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we've probably all read at some point,
and we've lauged and hooted and told our friends about so-and-so and what happened that had her/him declaring FML!
For those who don't know, that's Fuck My Life. It's an equivolent of "Story of My Life" or "My life is soooo over" and basically anything to that effect.

As a mother of two furry little darlings, I'm in a habit of randomly picking them up and making them dance around and that's how this whole idea came about!

This would be a typical entry from Fishbone (my younger baby) -
"Today my mom picked me up while I was eating and made me do a cheerleader dance. Fuck my cat life (fmcl)"

So if you're as nutty a mother (of cats) as I am, I'm sure you'll have lots of equally, if not funnier, stories to share.
I'm still figuring a way to do this so that you can just automatically post this up. But in the meantime,
email me at
INCLUDE PICTURES TOOOOOO (so that we can go awwwwwww)!
